Aplicación para iPhone y Android - Google Play.
Creada y desarrollada por mi, con la intención de que cualquier médico, estudiante, fisioterapeuta,... y también cualquier potencial paciente, tenga a su alcance de una manera rápida, intuitiva y práctica, una guía completa de patología de hombro.
Aquí os dejo varias capturas de pantalla de la aplicación:

domingo, 26 de agosto de 2012
Shoulder iPhone and Android - Google Play app.
This application contains information of interest on shoulder pathology. It is intended for patients, medical students, nursing, physiotherapy, but also to general practitioners and specialists in Orthopaedics, Rehabilitation, Rheumatology, ..., because it contains both basic and advanced information, so also goes to specialized arthroscopic surgeons and shoulder surgeons.
Some screen captures:
This application contains information of interest on shoulder pathology. It is intended for patients, medical students, nursing, physiotherapy, but also to general practitioners and specialists in Orthopaedics, Rehabilitation, Rheumatology, ..., because it contains both basic and advanced information, so also goes to specialized arthroscopic surgeons and shoulder surgeons.
Some screen captures:
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